2022 名人演讲:加拿大特色社会主义将会是什么?

Donald Wilson
唐纳德威尔逊是一名教师活动家,目前在塞克佩姆克人(Secwepemcúl’ecw)未割让的领土上居住和教学。他与在这片被殖民过的土地上与那段历沉痛的史遗留下的矛盾作斗争,同时认识到促进社会运动朝着集体化和社区化方向发展的重要性。作为加拿大人,他认识到促进公正社会发展的责任,同时防止加拿大走向帝国主义和新殖民主义的倾向。作为一名教师,威尔逊深受巴西马克思主义教育家保罗·弗莱雷(Paolo Freire)的影响,他将教学和学习视为一个辩证的过程,其中教师和学生的关系随着教师成为学生并从学生身上学习而发生变化,学生反过来又成为教师。
在加拿大,或者更具体来说在 Secwepemcúl’ecw,今天在这里我们追求实事求是意味着什么?当殖民者占领这片从原住民手中头来的土地时,我们如何从剥削社会转变为社会主义社会?如果正义对于原住民来说是归还土地,那么殖民者该何去何从?坎卢普斯的工人和农场主是否具有革命阶级意识的潜力?自改革开放四十年有余,中国特色社会主义建设的重大成果将给我们和加拿大社会带来什么启示?
唐纳德·威尔逊(Donald Wilson)
地点:House of Learning 190

Donald Wilson
Donald Wilson is a teacher-activist currently residing and teaching in the unceded territory of the Secwépemc people. He contends with the contradiction of being a settler-European on stolen Indigenous land while recognizing the importance of promoting societal movements towards collectivization and communization.
Similarly, as a Canadian, he recognizes the responsibility to promote the development of a just society, while challenging the state’s tendencies towards empire and neo-colonialism. As a teacher, Wilson has been deeply influenced by the Marxist Brazilian educator, Paolo Freire, who views teaching and learning as a dialectical process. The teacher-student relationship changes as teachers become students and learn from their students who become, in turn, teachers.
Wilson is active in the labour movement and is co-chair of the Kamloops-Thompson Teachers’ Association Social Justice Committee. As a young student, Wilson lived and studied in Hong Kong during the colonial era. He observed firsthand the anti-democratic and anti-communist ethos that permeated the colonial society imposed upon the Chinese people there. However, the experience awakened in him a lifelong admiration for China’s culture and revolutionary history. The question for Canadians, “What is Socialism with Canadian Characteristics?” has been inspired by the Chinese political journey.
What is Socialism with Canadian Characteristics? Marx writes, “We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.”
Comrade Xi says, “What doctrine a country may choose is based on whether it can resolve the historical problems that confront that country.” What are the premises in existence now, and what are the historical problems now?
In Canada, or more specifically, here in Secwepemcúl’ecw, that confront us? What does it mean to seek truth from facts (实事求是) here, in Kamloops today? How can a socially just shift from an exploitative society to a socialist society occur while colonizers occupy land stolen from the people of the land? Where is the place in Secwepemcúl’ecw for settler society if justice for the Indigenous people means the return of their territory? Is there the potential for revolutionary class consciousness for Kamloops workers and ranchers? Since “Reform and Opening Up” started, what can we and Canadian society learn from it?
Donald Wilson
Kamloops teacher, activist, and Socialism Philosopher
Event Information
Date: November 16, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Venue: House of Learning 190