Welcome to TRUSU-CSSA

The 2025 TRU Chinese New Year Banquet – Year of Snake

The Chinese New Year Banquet to celebrate the arrival of 2025 and the year of the snake will be hosted on February 9 at KIA Lounge Sandman Centre. The celebration will feature traditional Chinese performances from TRU students, and a mouth-watering Chinese buffet. Early bird tickets are available.

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We are here to celebrate culture and diversity, and we believe we are doing some of the greatest work.

Formed in 2002, the TRUSU Chinese Students & Scholars Association is a registered Thompson Rivers University Students Union club and a recognized student organization by the consulate general of the People’s Republic of China education sector in Vancouver. Our association provides students, faculties and broader communities with cultural entertainment and educational events. Our organization also maintains close relationships with hundreds of CSSAs around the globe to collectively provide better services to study abroad Chinese students and scholars.


Our events and activities



TRUSU Chinese Students & Scholars Association runs on a democratic, cooperative basis, following the guidance of the Thompson Rivers University Students’ Union. The daily tasks and activities are led by the board of directors which includes the democratically elected president and committee directors. The election is held every Winter semester on an annual basis and is open to all registered CSSA club members. The association runs completely independent and free of any outside interference. The boards and committee members decide what and how activities are held.

Our Governance


The association has five standing committees and departments, secretariat, finance, human resources, public relations and entertainment. Each academic year, the club hosts the new student welcome meeting, the Chinese National Day celebration, the lecture event, the Lunar New Year celebration and the Chinese movie screening event. Our most popular event is the Lunar New Year Banquet, which has been an annual event at TRU for decades. We welcome over 200 guests each year to learn Chinese culture and celebrate the Lunar New Year at TRU.

Our Leadership

More About Us

Our principles are:

  • to promote cultural diversity and bridge cultural gaps
  • to educate students, faculties, staff and community members through cultural activities and events
  • to provide a platform for Chinese students and scholars to communicate
  • to achieve our ultimate goal – an influential community organization in sharing Chinese culture

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