中文电影放映《万里归途》- Home Coming (Mandarin w/Chinese and e.s.t)



努米亚共和国爆发战乱,前驻地外交官宗大伟(张译 饰)与外交部新人成朗(王俊凯 饰)受命前往协助撤侨。任务顺利结束,却得知还有一批被困同胞,正在白婳(殷桃 饰)的带领下,前往边境撤离点。情急之下,两人放弃了回家机会,逆行进入战区。赤手空拳的外交官,穿越战火和荒漠,面对反叛军的枪口,如何带领同胞走出一条回家之路……


10月28日(星期五) 晚 6:00

10月29日(星期六)下午 2:50 晚 6:00

10月30日(星期天)下午 4:00 晚 7:15

10月31日(星期一) 下午 5:30

11月1日(星期二) 晚 6:00

11月2日(星期三)下午 5:30

11月3日(星期四) 下午 5:30


转至 Cineplex 官网购票


张译 / 王俊凯 / 殷桃 / 成泰燊 / 张子贤 / 陈昊宇 / 王迅 / 万茜 / 李雪健 / 李晨 / 王智 / 吴京 / 温韬 / 吴恩璇 / 国义骞 / 谢承颖 / 李路琦 / 赵梓冲 / 王照清 / 朱超艺 / 闫昌 / 李凯 / 谢欣华 / 侯晓童 / 穆丽燕 / 奥梅尔·尤祖亚克 / 埃兰·艾哈迈德·洛特夫·拉吉·阿尔加赫菲 / 小伊万·马弗里克 / 尤金·芬克尔 / 埃米尔·扎格鲁尔 / 艾哈迈德·穆罕默德·贾比尔·阿尔卡索姆


About this movie

电影《万里归途》海报In Numiya, the war breaks out. Dawei Zong (YI ZHANG), the former diplomat of the People’s Republic of China, and Lang Cheng (KARRY WANG), the new attaché in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are appointed to carry out the evacuation of overseas Chinese nationals. When they complete their original task, they find out that there is a group of evacuees led by Hua Bai, the General Manager of China Huaxing Corporation Numiya Branch, still heading towards the evacuation spot at the border. Because of the urgent situation, Dawei Zong and Lang Cheng give up the opportunity to go back home themselves, and instead go back to the war zone. At the last 100 kilometers distance of evacuation, how will these two unarmed diplomats protect the 125 people from the gunfire of rebels, as well as endure the harshness of the desert and escort everyone back home……

Dates & Time

Friday, October 28 6:00 PM

Saturday, October 29 2:50 PM 6:00 PM

Sunday, October 30 4:00 PM 7:15 PM

Monday, October 31 5:30 PM

Tuesday, November 1 6:00 PM

Wednesday, November 2 5:30 PM

Thursday, November 3 5:30 PM


Get a ticket now from Cineplex


Zhang Yi/ Wang Junkai/ Yin Tao/ Cheng Taishen/ Zhang Zixian/ Chen Haoyu/ Wang Xun/ Wan Qian/ Li Xuejian/ Li Chen/ Wang Zhi/ Wu Jing/ Wen Tao/ Wu Enxuan/ Guo Yiqian/ Xie Chengying/ Li Luqi/ Zhao Zichong/ Wang Zhaoqing/ Zhu Chaoyi/ Yan Chang / Li Kai / Xie Xinhua / Hou Xiaotong / Mu Liyan / Omer Yuzuyake / Elan Ahmed Lotf Raj Al Gahfi / Ivan Maverick Jr. / Eugene Finkel / Emir Zagrul / Ahmed Mohammad Jaber Al Qasom

