Community STI Survey
Please see the following message on behalf of the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) in partnership with the local health authorities.
Hello Greater Victoria, Maple Ridge, Kamloops, Nelson and Kimberley/Cranbrook,
Help improve services in your community by telling us about your experiences with Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing.
We want to hear from you if you are:
- 16 years or older,
- Sexually active,
- A resident of BC, and
- Able to finish a survey in English.
The survey:
- Is anonymous,
- Only takes 10-15 minutes,
- Asks about you, your sexual health, and how you use healthcare and the Internet.
Go to bit.ly/STITestingSurvey to complete the survey and enter a draw for a $100 Visa gift card. For more information, contact the study team at DiSHIresearch@bccdc.ca.
Thank you for your support,
BCCDC Digital Sexual Health Initiative