作为 TRU Student’s Union 的实体部分,所有被 TRU Student’s Union 认可的社团都获得了由 TRU Student’s Union 所提供的商业综合责任保险。这意味着社团可以召开会议或活动,并且所有可能发生的情况都被涵盖在了保险之中。因此,社团需要遵守并履行保险条款以及遵照学生会操作流程以避免保险失效。(这包括遵照学生会基本条款例如不得提供酒水服务)
As entities of the TRU Students’ Union, all officially recognized TRUSU Clubs are covered under the general liability insurance of the TRU Students’ Union. This means that you can have your club meetings and events and know that you have been covered in the case of unforeseen events. In addition, this means that clubs must comply with the insurance policies and procedures of the Students’ Union to ensure that they do not nullify their coverage. (This includes standard regulations such as not serving alcohol and not hosting an event while intoxicated. )